Weird & Dead

A podcast about evolution's most embarrassing and bizarre stories as told by two very gossipy paleontologists. Amy and Meaghan happily dish the details on everything from fossilized dinosaur butts to the secret drama behind naming new species. Time for the hottest tea from prehistory! 

This podcast is part of the Geology Podcasting network and unlike their other offerings, is not kid appropriate!

Amy bursting out of a massive sea turtle egg, looking towards the light with overwhelmed joy and surprise

Amy Atwater (Co-Host)

A paleontologist, science communicator, and primate lover. Amy's been creating viral Instagram content about paleontology on Instagram for over a decade now - an OG Science Influencer. She holds a Master's degree in Paleoanthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, where she studied fossil primates and their evolution. She has worked at Denali National Park, Arches National Park, and the Museum of the Rockies, to name but a few locations. 


Meaghan Wetherell (Co-Host)

A paleontologist, science writer, and hooved mammal enthusiast. Once upon a time one of the videos she wrote for PBS Eons trended on YouTube above a Cardi B video for 30 delirium-inducing minutes. She has a Ph.D. in Paleontology from the University of Oregon and is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona, where she teaches science communication, game design, and statistics - a weird left turn, she knows. She is also the owner and designer of Geopetal Fabric, a small paleontology clothing store.

Meaghan cuddling a baby sheep in her chicken coop. Her eyes are full of what she thinks of as love but what any reasonable person would interpret as off-putting intensity

Katie Bradley (Editor)

A storyteller, hiker, and plant enthusiast. Katie doesn’t have a background in science but has fallen hard for the scientists and science exposed to her working at Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, Colorado. Over a decade she spent as a music DJ for non-commercial radio stations in Austin, Denver, & Seribatu. Broadcasting is still in her blood as she seeks to weave the technical with the fantastical making science content that is accessible to the masses and inspires continued curiosity. From playing Crass to being crass, she feels at home editing and mixing for Weird & Dead.